Wednesday, April 1, 2020

In The Zone

There is just so much national news one can watch these days.  I try to catch the local Sacramento news in the morning, but have stopped the MSNBC shows in the afternoon; they're just too depressing.  Doctors, nurses, governors and mayors all begging for supplies that don't seem to be forthcoming.  Even worse, those officials who are turning a blind eye to things that could be done to protect their populace.

As a remedy of sorts, I've been watching feel-good shows like The Andy Griffith Show and Golden Girls.  Yesterday I felt like I'd found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when I checked the guide and found they were running nonstop episodes of The Twilight Zone (Rod Serling, 1959-1964).  Ta da!  I probably saw every one of the series when they were new and remembered a lot of them, in particular "Time Enough At Last" (1959) with Burgess Meredith.  He played the near-sighted lone survivor of an apocalyptic event who found himself in a huge library.  All those books and time to read to his heart's content...and then he broke his glasses.  Being a book lover myself, I couldn't imagine anything worse.  It was fun to see well-known actors, very young at the time, and sometimes bit players who went on to become stars.

Something else I've appreciated are the calls I've received.  Cousin Sandy called in the morning.  I love hearing from her.  She's my lifeline to Steve's family as she stays in touch everyone.  It's been years since I've seen any of them, but I care about them all.  Sandy never gossips, but shares how everyone is doing, who's had a baby, etc.  It's heartbreaking to learn that Family Reunion is being cancelled this year due to The Virus.  It has been a much-anticipated annual event for many decades.  I, myself, have had to cancel Easter and birthdays in my family for the same reason.

I also got a call from Go-To Guy and his wife, just wanting to say hi and did I need anything.  Go-To doesn't call me, so it was a grand and most pleasant surprise.  There's a lot of kindness going around out there.

The Twilight Zone streaming was just for one day.  Ha!  I recorded all the episodes so I can watch at my leisure.

Stay well.  Be safe.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I've been very happy to see that the officials are doing everything in their power to move heaven and earth to get the supplies to those who need it. Lots of businesses have been donating masks that they have had in storage and countless private companies have switched from what they normally make, to making respirators or ventilators, and NY got so many that they have put them in storage until needed. And the 2 hospital ships that some claimed would not be on site for up to 2 weeks, were ready to go in 3 days and are now in LA and NY harbors. And the temporary hospitals are being set up by the military in 3 days or less. An NFL football team owner from Boston sent a 747 to China after all the red tape, to bring masks back to Massachusetts for their state. I didn't realize that the governors of the states are the ones who were responsible to have their states stocked with the supplies, but for one reason or another, some have not done that, and some have. So the ones that have not done that and have needed help, no matter which side of the aisle, have gotten it. The daily press conferences to me are very interesting as so many people speak about what their departments are doing. I trust you have been watching them as the President does not do all the talking by any means, and LOTS of the press's questions get answered . Today, Deborah Brix explained all about the "triangulation" to learn who needed what and how to choreograph getting the right things to the right places. She kept using a word I had never heard..."Granularity." I was amazed that she was not only a doctor, but was right in the mix with figuring out which cities, towns, counties, and states, need what and where and when. And part of the problem has been that data has not been forthcoming, but is now starting to come in. (I've only heard one place that a lot of the victims seem to be diabetic or pre-diabetic, and with much higher body mass indexes than is healthy.) Anyway, I have loved seeing all of the companies step up, drop what they are currently manufacturing, and start manufacturing what is needed. And 3M is going to get busted because they just found out that while they have been working overtime to manufacture PPE, some of the distributors (maybe 20) have been ignoring the orders from the various states and have been selling to foreign countries who come in with cash!! Different channels seem to cover different aspects of it, but it certainly seems like everyone is stepping up to get the supplies where they are needed. And some believe that because California's curve is going down, that we might have had it before anyone knew (I was sick at the very beginning January), and have developed "herd immunity." I know of 6 who were sick early on and we are suspecting that we might have had some form of it and have gotten better. Wouldn't that be great for our state?