Friday, April 24, 2020

Welcome Home, Fu!

Song for the day, "Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye," The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem, 1961.

It was hard to recognize the new Fu when he came rolling down the ramp, driven (driven, I say!) by Florence.  I stood by Dan and almost applauded.  Fu was bright and shiny clean and his falling-to-pieces seat had been repaired.  As if that was not enough to make me smile, he now has a bright yellow squeaky wheekie-wheekie horn attached.  "Out of my way, squirrels!"  It turned out that Fu did not need a new battery, he needed Donald's mechanical magic touch.  I know nothing about engines.  Humongous sincere gratitude to all involved.  It's good to have the old boy home and to have such kind friends.

I know what I'll be doing this morning.  That overgrown west field is calling Fu's name.  Nature flipped a switch and it's summer.  Two nights ago I took the heated beanbag to bed because of the cold and today I'll be taking the comforter off.  Somewhere in the 80s is predicted here for today and 90s in the valley.

I had made a quick trip to Mt. Aukum in the morning.  Again I was the only one wearing protective gear.  I simply cannot understand this.  If I can move after mowing (Fu Manchu is a rough ride), Michael and I will have to go to town.  If it were proven that animals could catch the virus, Michael would have a mask, too.  No, he'd stay home.  I wish I could.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yay to Florence and Dan and Donald! I love it when the magic happens. Hope Fu took it easy on you!! Yep, we went from a cold spring to a hot summer all in 2 days!!