Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I really surprised me.  Veering away from my usual one-day-on, one-day-off routine, I actually got a lot done yesterday, too.  Must be the weather or maybe something in the water.  I hear the auctioneer now, "I've got two, two, two!  Can I get three?"  (Don't push it.)

George is also on a roll.  He had told me he had something (okay, pate) for me and he'd be by on Monday.  I told Michael his friend was coming and he wagged at the name.  When we went out to meet George, he had two heavy grocery bags in hand.  "That looks like a lot for one package of pate."  "Wait, my dear, I've got two more," and sure enough, he did, as well as a pocketful of treats for Michael.  We three sat on the porch for a pleasant visit that I wished could have lasted longer.  Back in the house, I started unloading the bags.  George is going to be my downfall with this bounty.  Salads (plural), fresh vegetables, fruit, and eggs.  Having little to none to begin with, I lost all self-control.  A bite of this, a sample of that, plans for a frittata dancing in my head...and then I came to the pate, black truffle pate, no less, in a loaf the size of a bread loaf.  "I'll just have a small taste, a little slice," and that deserved a plate to take and sit down.  If you love pate, you'll understand, and if you're not a fan, there's no way to explain that smooth, unctuous texture and rich flavor.  Okay, I went back for a second, larger, helping.  Today, I promise, I will divide and package the pate for freezing...well, almost all the loaf.

I have angels in my life.  George is one.  During our visit, he told me Florence and Dan would be by today to pick up a piece of lumber Mike had left.  "Don't you want to take it with you," I asked.  "No, because they're also going to get your tractor and take it to someone who could get it running."  What?!  Wouldn't it be grand to have Fu rolling again?  Angels abound.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah...you deserve angels. I'm so happy, and I'm sure they are blessed by a visit with you, too!