Monday, April 20, 2020

Get A Clue

The tree crews are here for the duration.  How do I know?  Because they have installed a PortaPotty on the corner across the road from me.  Oh well, it's better than the alternative, but it does give a hint that they'll be here for quite awhile.  It's still too early today for the Beep-beep Boys.  Them, I could do without.

I am enamored of Canadian cop shows like "Murdoch Mysteries" and "The Listener."  Like the Australian "Dr. Blake Mysteries" and the British "Father Brown," they are, if there is such a thing, gentle murder mysteries, well written and acted, and not gory in the least.  There is a continuing story line, but each episode is complete in itself, making for great binge watching.  Lest anyone think I'm prejudiced, I also watch American "The Blacklist," which is anything but gentle and definitely bloody, and I wouldn't advise watching more than one or two episodes at a time.

For lack of a better term, Michael hums.  It's not a whine and nowhere near a bark, but he will hum when he's watching or smelling something he finds interesting or wants to head in a different direction on our walks.  Yesterday was a bonanza for him as there were three cars in the winery parking lot and a tractor in the vineyard...yay!

I finally overcame CVD inertia and got something done.  There's more to do (there's always more to do), but it was a start.

Stay safe.  Be well.


Fiddletownfloey said...

Diane, As I have yet to actually enter your email (if I could just find it) I wanted to respond to the table hiding behavior. The last year while Susie was receiving chemo etc. we were on the go almost daily. We ate out a lot! Michael's best behavior was in restaurants. As soon as we were directed to a table Michael went underneath. Never to be heard from. EVER! (perhaps a bit of Hoovering went on down below but we don't talk about that) Most often folks never knew there was a dog until we left. He was treated very well by many a waitress on our way out. He went EVERYWHERE with us. X-ray, lab, CT and MRI making dozens of staff and patients a bit happier. His best place was the chemo infusion ward. His picture was on the b-board and patients (and staff) looked forward to his weekly visits. When she was able Susie would walk him to visit each patient. When she was no longer able I took over. That dog just makes people smile! There was so much going on then I failed to keep track of Michael's funny little behaviors. My memory is only jogged when you mention them.

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I loved reading this backstory for Michael. And I'm still stuck in inertia. I vowed that today would be different, and I still have some time to go, but I felt like my grandchildren when they were little...I took a morning nap!!! Ahhhh, it felt glorious!!

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh, I books, that gentle, non-gory type of mystery has its own genre...what you are watching are "Cozy Mysteries," as opposed to "Hard Boiled Mysteries," I do believe. I do know they are Cozy...don't know that Hard Boiled is a common moniker.