Thursday, April 9, 2020

I Spy

So very many Americans are working from home now and, given the circumstances, that's a good thing.  Watching as many news programs as I do is like a virtual tour of homes as newscasters do their job and interviews are held via Skype or whatever newfangled thing is out there.  I see bachelor pads, dining rooms, kitchens, and offices, apartments and mansions, places I never would have been invited to before.  While I'm listening to what is being said, what I find most interesting is what's behind the speaker, especially if there are bookcases.  Some are showcases for pieces of art with a few books for looks.  Others are jam-packed libraries, overflowing with books large and small.  That's when I hit the pause button to try and get a hint of what this person reads, what interests them in the privacy of their home.  It's like a game of real-life I Spy and I'm the one doing the spying.

Michael cracks me up.  That piece of Milk-Bone he tucked into his bed the other day?  Well, he moves it from place to place, sometimes just carrying it around in his mouth.  He has tucked it into the sofa, under his blankets, anywhere he thinks it might be safe from the cats.  Ya just can't trust a cat, you know.  I've tried to tell him they have no interest in his treats, but I can't convince him.  I never know where I'll find his treasure.

We're socked in with fog again today.  It seems like Nature reaches into her grab bag without looking and throws at us whatever she finds first.  Oh well.  It's that time of year.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I, too, look behind them to their book shelves. So funny about Michael and his treasure!