Sunday, April 12, 2020

Glad And Sad

Easter is a strange one this year.  As I've said, we've always been big on holiday tradition, mainly centered on the menu, but also a good reason for a family get together.  My Kids lead busy, productive lives and a holiday has been a good reason for them to take a break, come for a visit, and share a communal meal.  I haven't seen The Wild Bunch since Christmas, and they won't be coming up today.  I passed the case in which the poker chips are kept and remembered the good times.  I'm glad they are keeping safe in these uncertain times, but....

Missy is becoming the next best thing to a pest.  As soon as Michael and I step out the door she comes running up the path to do her roll-and-stretch in front of him.  Not just him.  When I go out alone to feed Lonesome Lulu, she comes along, almost tripping me as I walk.  "Okay, what are we gonna do now?  What's in that barrel?  Oh, I'll  help if you'll just let me in with that chicken."  Yeah, I bet you could.  I think she'd like to become a house cat, but given Ralph's attitude, that's not going to happen.

The girls are gorging on the lush green grass in their pen.  This is the time of year when they were producing and the milk was so rich in spring.  I don't miss the work, but I do regret the loss of closeness and satisfaction of those days.  They were really feisty yesterday, running  together and butting heads.  The growth of grass also applies to the weeds on the property.  Fu Manchu sits idle in his shed.  I wish the guys could have come up to get him running before this quarantine shut everything down.  Que sera.

I know I've mentioned a long-ago friend, Carol, from the days when the Kids were little and we lived in Chino.  Our children (she also had four) were pretty much the same age, and we had many of the same interests, including cooking.  Sundays for Carol were days spent in church, not leaving much time in the kitchen.  I'm sharing one of her recipes, written in my book simply as "Carol's Sunday Chicken."  The directions are simplistic, but they're all that are necessary.  It serves a lot so I probably won't be making it again, but I assure you it's really easy and very good.  (I have this bounty of chicken and recipes have been floating around in my head.)


2 chickens, cut in pieces
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can chicken gumbo soup
1 pkg dry onion soup mix
1 cup of rice
6 cans of water (approximately)
Salt and pepper

Mix all but the chicken together in a large pan (I used a roasting pan). Place chicken on top.  Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1-1/2 - 2 hours, depending on the size of the chicken pieces.  Lower the temperature if, like Carol, you're going to be gone longer.

Given how simple the recipe is, the hardest part now would be finding soup of any kind in the stores.

I hope that however and wherever you are, that your Easter is fulfilling.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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