Monday, April 6, 2020


I think that the crews dropped all of the trees that might possibly have fallen on the power lines just in time because we had some hellacious winds yesterday, along with some torrential rain.  I mentioned recently that Michael isn't a very demonstrable dog.  When we came in from our walks, absolutely soaked, I used one of those absorbent ShamWows to dry the poor dude off.  Ohmigosh, Michael was absolutely effusive!  I got more kissies than ever before as he twirled around.  "Here!  Get this side!  You missed a spot!"  It was a Michael I'd never seen.  "Who are you and what have you done with my dog?"  One would think that Michael's thick, thick coat would have been protective, but it must be absorbent as well as soft.  He's a walking ShamWow.

I'd brought wood to the porch just in time, also.  The cats stretched out in the luxurious heat from Stove.  I was just happy to feel my cheeks again.

While it is overcast and dreary this morning, the storm, at least the worst of this go-round, seems to have passed.

Stay well.  Be safe.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I wonder if you "dried" Michael, even when he isn't wet, if he would do his twirling gratitude dance!!?? Maybe that's his "love language!"