Wednesday, April 29, 2020

In The Meantime

To paraphrase a line from "Ain't We Got Fun" (song from 1920, music written by Richard Whiting)...The grass gets tall and the weeds get taller!  Fu must be wondering why I brought him back and got him all spiffed up if I weren't going to put him to work.  Neighbor Joe came midmorning and rescued Fu Manchu from the hole he'd dropped into.  Joe took a quick spin through the greenery just to make sure nothing more than my pride was damaged.  I really appreciate his help.

Joe drove off, I climbed aboard and fired up the engine, which, thanks to George and Don, now runs like a top.  There was just enough time before the heat of the day to get most of the west field mowed.  Unh uh.  Dave, the Animal Services guy, drove up before I could take my foot off Fu's brake.  I've known Dave for years, mainly in the line of business, but also as a friend.  He's made it a point to stop by when in the area for a chat.  I turned off Fu (I'm sure I heard him sigh) and Dave and I went up to the porch to visit.  Dave's news was that he is retiring after 38 years with Animal Services.  He'll be missed.

Need I say that, in the meantime, the sun had risen high and it was once again too hot to mow.  It was trash day, and that was my big (okay, only) accomplishment for the day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Glad Fu is our of the hole and safe. Crossing my fingers that you and Fu can do your thing today! We've gone back to overcast.