Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pots To Hooves

One would think that a retired person who has no set weekly agenda would not look forward to a weekend, but I do, Saturday especially.  All the cooking shows are such a welcome respite from the depressing daily news.  Yesterday's episode of "Dishing With Julia Child" (which I highly recommend) had guest commentary by Jose Andres and Eric Ripert, renowned chefs.  We should all aspire to be remembered with such love and humor.  Another guest I particularly enjoy is Lidia Bastianich's ninety-plus year old mother, Erminia Matticcio.  She is funny, always hungry, and never misses an opportunity to sing, in Italian, of course.

Moving on from the culinary world, Saturday afternoons are currently filled with horse racing.  I wonder if the horses miss the roar of the crowd in the now-empty stands.  Give me recipes and hoof beats and I'm a happy camper.

Ralph, who has lived his entire life inside, is getting cabin fever.  I made the mistake of putting a stack of papers on the dining room table.  They now decorate the floor.  It's not just paper he knocks off or over.  If I didn't know what he's up to, strange thumps and bumps in unoccupied rooms might alarm me.  He torments his sister mercilessly until she takes him down a peg.  Right now he's racing up and down the hall, brrrp-brrrping as he goes.  Michael thinks Ralph has gone berserk.

The predicted rain started falling yesterday.  Luckily, Michael and I got our walks in beforehand.  I doubt we'll be dawdling outside today.  With no Sunday NASCAR, I wonder what's on TV.  Oh, I have all those episodes of Twilight Zone saved!  It pays to plan ahead.