Saturday, April 18, 2020

Beep Beep

I honestly thought I would go stark staring mad yesterday.  The tree crews were working again, this time with some truck or piece of equipment with a warning device that went beep beep beep incessantly.  I'm not talking Wiley Coyote's roadrunner beep beep.  I'm talking hours of that most irritating, high-pitched, brain-piercing noise.  I had mentioned it to one of the supervisors some time ago, asking if, when not going backwards, the driver might just take the truck out of gear to stop that sound.  He told me that all of their equipment beeps going forward or backward.  I'm doomed.

Another flower has appeared in the fields, a little nondescript purple flower.  Like the ferny plant under the oak, this purple flower has an evil intent.  This is the plant that puts out the auger-like corkscrew seeds.  I have nothing against procreation, but I'm decidedly against pain.  Our walks are going to be limited to the driveway pretty soon so as to avoid said seeds.  That's a shame because Michael really likes to go sit out on the west field.  Well, I guess we'll go there until the whirligigs appear.

I wonder if at some time, perhaps in puppyhood, Michael spent some time in a crate.  I frequently find him under the dining room table, surrounded by chair legs.  Could it be that, like me, he remembers the few times the Kids were here and misses them?  He has a myriad of sofas, dog beds, and people beds to choose from, so why here?  Ah well, whatever makes him happy.

Fog again this morning.  Phooey.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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