Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Strange Times

"Hi!  Come on in!"  Isn't that the first thing you say to a most welcome guest?  Sadly, not anymore.

My friend George came by yesterday, laden with groceries, and I couldn't do more than give him a virtual hug and invite him to sit on the porch.  The sun had come out earlier, but then went back into hiding and a cold wind sprang up.  Drat.  I sat a good ten feet from George outside and we talked.  Social distancing is a drag.  Michael was so happy to see his friend and sat by his side.  At least Michael could be a good host in these unusual (and chilly) circumstances.

George is smart, funny, and generous, and I so enjoyed his visit.  It wasn't long enough, but given that neither of us could feel our fingers after a bit, we said goodbye.  Did I mention he brought groceries?  Omigosh!  George is a shopper par excellence, and you can't imagine all the goodies he had gifted me, some homemade and some purchased.  It was like Christmas in my kitchen!  I was a kid in a candy store, nibbling this and that as I put stuff away...fresh vegetables, bananas, meats and cheeses, and two loaves of bread!  Where in the world did he find bread?!  There were even packets of treats for the cats and dog.  Believe me, if you need someone to stock your fridge and cupboard in these apocalyptic times, George is your man.  Lest you fear, knowing him and Florence, everything had been sanitized, even the bananas, I'm sure.

George had given Michael a large milk-bone broken into three pieces.  Florence and Dan have Scottish deer hounds that can handle big treats.  Michael, being Michael, ate one piece then and there.  Later he took another piece and buried it in the front yard for later, then took the third to hide in his bed.  Goofy dog.

Need I say it was a good day?

Stay well.  Be safe.

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