Tuesday, March 17, 2020

One Of Those

It was one of those days.  They come and, thankfully, they go.  The first sign was the lack of lights on the WiFi box, which meant no computer.  No computer, no blog, no nada.  The porch light showed me the reason.  Snow.  I remember how excited we got when we moved up here and the first snow fell.  It's still beautiful to look at, but now it's more of an inconvenience, starting with the satellite receivers getting blocked.  Oh well.  Go down the hall and start the coffee.  Barely light out, it was still difficult to see when the electricity abruptly went out, and the coffeemaker immediately quit.  NOooo!  Talk about adding insult to injury.  Go sit in the living room to contemplate the situation.  Blip!  The power came back on.  Run to the kitchen and turn the coffeemaker back on.  Just as it finished its job, the power went off again.  Like some bizarre game, this happened any number of times until it went off and stayed off for hours.

About 3:30 a.m., I'd heard a tree crack and fall and could only hope it didn't fall on on the fence line.  It turned out to be worse than that.  Arden called and said the tree was in their yard and had crunched a corner of their house when it came down.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.  I could hear the song of the chainsaw down the hill and decided I wasn't having a bad day after all.

Rather than slog through four-plus inches of snow on the driveway, Michael and I stayed to the more protected area under the live oak tree, new territory for him.  On our first walk of the morning, Michael went to attention.  Looking where he was looking, I saw a coyote down by the goat pen, casually trotting through the snow.  Michael doesn't bark...ever, so I yelled and the intruder jumped over into my neighbors' vineyard and away.

When the dish is blocked (and the power is on), I can still watch my backlog of DVR programs.  It was one of those days.

PS:  I have no idea why advertisements are showing up in the comments.  I can't seem to delete them and have no idea where they're coming from.

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