Sunday, March 15, 2020

Dreary Days

It was hard to climb out of my warm nest this morning what with the wind blowing and the rain pounding and my furry companions snuggled up close.  Oh well, nothing for it but to get up, shuffle down the hall to the kitchen, put the coffee maker to work, and make sure all food bowls were filled for the four-leggeds.  The weather is a rerun of yesterday.  Thankfully, Michael is a couch potato and double timed our outings so we weren't completely soaked from the rain.

It seems the world has lost its mind.  Deb called yesterday and told me about her trials and tribulations at Walmart and Costco, starting with trying to find a parking spot, and this was early in the morning!  Shelves were empty and carts were full, and people were close to coming to blows over supplies.  The news is full of such stories.  Boy, am I glad I stay stocked up on staples and won't have to go out among 'em for awhile.

NASCAR is just one sport that has cancelled events to prevent crowds gathering.  I applaud the one basketball player who donated buckets of money to employees and vendors who were losing their pay due to these closures.  Deb will be working at home for at least three weeks.  At least she has that option, Craig does not.

No cooking shows again yesterday, so I watched a documentary on the life of Anne Frank.  That was another time the world went crazy.  As I've said so many, many times, "I don't understand."

Me?  I've got food in the cupboards and freezer, firewood on the porch, and so far-so good with the power.  (And I found my email!)


Emmy said...

And talk of school being closed until summer...and then what?

A world we have never known

Kathryn Williams said...

Looks like you are "cookin' with gas!!" I have avoided the crazy in the shopping arena, but have seen so many many photos on Facebook of empty shelves. I guess I timed it right at Trader Joe's yesterday, my first outing since Wednesday, because I only could not find my coconut milk and olive oil. But truth be told, I just went for produce and meats. I guess we over 65 are now officially "elderly!" When the sun shines again I shall garden. In the meantime, it's nice not having too much on my schedule!! Stay safe.

Unknown said...

Nothing really spoke to me before I worked with Genie Garage Door Spring Replacement technicians. You guys were so thorough with the repairs and replacements that I need, and I really appreciate the assistance you give people like me. Thank you!

Unknown said...

The technician performed all work needed and did it so well that I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Definitely will recommend overhead Garage Door Torsion Spring Replacement to anybody I know who needs garage door service.

Kathryn Williams said...

I'm guessing:

The Snow
Has got Bo ('s satellite dish and she can't send out the blog on Monday!)

Stay warm and safe, friend.