Sunday, March 29, 2020


It was Friday.  I was sure it was Friday.  Things to do on Friday:  call Arden in lieu of a visit, get gasoline, go to town, do a dab of shopping and get some blood work done.  Imagine my confusion when Michael and I finished our walk (in the rain) and I found one of my cooking shows on TV.  Oh no!  How could they do this to me?  Why would they move all of those programs (I checked the guide, they were all there) to Friday?  It was definitely going to mess up my iffy weekly calendar.  I'd fallen asleep and missed Trash Day Tuesday this week as it was.

Slowly, slowly it began to dawn on me that maybe, just maybe it was Saturday.  I didn't doubt that I could be wrong, I just couldn't see that as happening when I was so positive.  The cellphone gave me the bad news.  It was Saturday.  That put the kibosh on my plans for the day.  Even with the world on house arrest, mothers who were home schooling their children were bound to be out and about on the weekend, one of the reasons I was going on Friday.

It didn't take much persuasion to make me settle back and watch Julia Child and Lidia Bastianich.  After all, it was Saturday.

There's no sense going to town today, Sunday (I checked), because the lab will be closed and I'm sure not going to make two trips to town.  I'm glad Michael and I got our dose of Vitamin D on what must have been Friday.  It rained all day yesterday and it looks like a repeat today.  Sigh.

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