Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Beginning

As I've said, guilt is a motivator.  Sometimes it works and sometimes not.  Yesterday it pushed me to get the Christmas tree out of the box and each ferschluggen branch put on the trunk...and this before barn chores!  Unfortunately, I ran out of incentive and time before fluffing out the branches, so there the thing stands in the middle of the room, looking like a Charlie Brown reject.  I'll have to do something about it one of these days, but it sort of amuses me for the time being.  At least it was a beginning.

The girls were still caught in the "heat" of the moment, as it were.  Being left out all night hadn't fazed them, and they were still playing kissy-face, huggy-bear in the morning.  It seems that the older they get, the more intense their emotions.  They were still at it at nightfall so they spent another night outside.  Their choice.

In all the twenty-one years I've lived here, a rising full moon has never failed to take my breath away.  Yesterday was the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the beginning of winter.  How's this for a spotlight, perfectly framed in the living room window.  Ralph, on the back of the couch,  was not impressed.

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