Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Deck The Halls

Give me an hour and I'll take a day...another day in which to do nothing.  I'm really good at that.  It's not that I have holiday depression, it's more like a case of holiday blahs.  That, and the fact that with the extended deadline, I haven't hit the panic button yet.  That seems to be my best incentive.  Deck the halls?  Heck, I haven't even put an ornament on the tree.  Once upon a time this house dripped Christmas.  Two huge trees upstairs and down, one formal, one fun, smaller tabletop trees in every other room, garlands on the banister, wreaths in every window, stockings hung, even the bathroom was decorated, and there were twinky lights all around the deck and eaves.  Santa would have had no problem finding this house.  It's not that I've gone bah-humbug, it's more like it's a lot easier to remember how is was than do the work to do it again.  It's unfortunate that you can't see what I see.

When the rain came in the afternoon, Nature didn't use the garden hose, she went straight for the fire hose and turned it on full blast.  Wicked woman.  There was a brief break and I made a dash out to put all the critters to bed.  She waited until I was down in the pen before opening the faucets again and I got a thorough soaking.  The girls were pushing and shoving to get into their rooms.  The chickens were sensible enough to stay under cover in their coop and all I had to do was shut their doors.  By the time I got back to the house, my shoes were squelching and my britches were wet to the thigh.  Ho ho ho.

Over an inch of rain had been predicted and I'll bet we beat that.  It was a deluge!  And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over sometime well after dark.  The sky appears to be clear this morning...at least I can see stars.  Maybe tonight will come upon a midnight clear.

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