Sunday, December 9, 2018

That's Okay

I almost exclusively wear white work socks (aka athletic socks).  They go so well with my extensive wardrobe of four sets of bibbies.  I buy them in large packages.  Usually I buy the brand that has grey toes and heels, but evidently Wally World was out one time or perhaps I was feeling adventurous because along with the others I have a set of six with pink, aqua, or purple accents.  Since I wear the same thing day after day, I don't have to waste time picking out my outfits, and half the time it's barely light when I get dressed anyhow.  Living alone, I don't sort socks after laundering, but keep them in a large basket, aligned by tops and toes.  The elastic on old socks wears out first and that's usually my criterion for picking out two for the day.  The other evening when I kicked off my shoes, I was surprised to see that I was wearing one pink toe and one aqua toe.  That's okay, I have another pair just like them.

If practice makes perfect, I am close to the heights in the art of procrastination.  I really should have gone to town yesterday, but dawdled around while thinking up one excuse and another why I couldn't go just then (Ralph was on my lap, the dishwasher needed emptying, I could eke out dwindling supplies, etc., etc., etc.).  Important stuff like that.  Enough excuses and time runs out and I can't leave and get back before sundown.  Whew!  That's okay, I'll go today.  Or not.

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