Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Having "just" been to town, true to form, yesterday was a day off.  For the past couple of weeks I've been negotiating a change of oncologists because of lack of communication.  There has been no followup for a year.  Yesterday a nice lady called and told me I'd been assigned to a new doctor, and I thanked her.  Then she called back...she'd checked my chart and saw that I needed to have blood work done and it had to be done either yesterday or today or I'd have to start all over again.  Why?!  Do lab reports have a warranty or expiration dates?  Start all over with what?  Yesterday was out, so I must go to town again today.  I thought I'd dodged that bullet.  Sigh.

There is an oak tree in my direct line of sight when I'm sitting in the living room.  It's my up-close indicator of the changing seasons.  All the leaves at present have changed color, and more are dropping daily.  There is one leaf, however, that really doesn't want to go.  With the slightest breeze, this determined leaf twirls and spins, but hangs on for dear life.  She's an inspiration to not give in or give up.  Inevitably, one of these days she'll be gone, but for the time being I'll just enjoy her dance.

Celeste walked by while I was doing my daily weigh-in yesterday and I picked her up out of curiosity.  Celeste is not a "fat cat," but she weighs a little over fifteen pounds!  Because at times I've lifted her up to the counter I knew she was a chunk, but fifteen pounds?!  That's one solid cat.  I wanted to know what Ralph weighs, but he wasn't available.

Well, like it or not, I'm off to visit the vampire today.  Goody.

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