Tuesday, December 4, 2018

In The Moment

Those silly girls were still in the heat of the moment (that's a joke) even after having been left out in the cold all night.  There was no interest in breakfast or alfalfa while they talked sweet talk and nuzzled necks.  Made me feel like a voyeur.  I didn't stay long.  They had turned the burners down by bedtime and each went to her room.  Whew.

It was definitely a hot cocoa day and Stove worked overtime.  I heated the beanbag and Celeste discovered the joy of sitting on that on my lap.  "Where has this been all my life, Mom?!"  Ralph tried to crowd in, but she wasn't about to give up her spot.  Warm at last, I took a well-earned nap, waking in time to watch the proceedings for President G. H. W. Bush in Washington, D.C..  It was a solemn, dignified moment in what has become a contentious government.

The cloud cover came back in the afternoon.  With another couple of days of rain predicted, Bessie and I took advantage while we could to bring three wagons of wood to the porch.  I'm usually good for only two, but not knowing when I'd get another dry day, it seemed prudent to stock up more.  If it stays as cold as it has been, I'll need it.

Evidently my outburst of the night before had some effect on the cats.  They both slept on the same side last night and I had the luxury of being able to stretch and turn at will.  I didn't wake up until nearly six today.

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