Sunday, December 23, 2018


Making progress here is like wading through jello, but I am forging ahead slowly.  At least there is some resemblance to a tree now instead of a stick with twigs.  It takes more time, but not too bad for a $5 tree.  Who knows, I might get ambitious and inspired (the two rarely occur together) and put some ornaments up.  To be honest, it will probably depend on how well the Steelers and Vikings are playing today.

The goats were still feisty in the morning, but had cooled off enough to go to bed last evening.  While they come into season once a month, I think we're all glad those spells last only a couple or three days.  They must be exhausted.

I put in a call to Helper Dude to check on his availability.  There's nothing urgent, but I do need his help with a myriad of chores around here.  I'm tired of the place looking so run down.  It's a hard reality that I can no longer do a lot of what I used to do, but there it is.  He likes machinery, and maybe I can sweet talk him into taking John Not-So-Dear out for a spin in the west field.  It is in bad need of mowing, and John and I have a strained relationship.  John has made it very clear that he prefers a man at the wheel.  Dude will be here after the first of the year.  That's progress.

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