Thursday, December 6, 2018


What is better on a chilly day than one cat on your lap?  Why, two of course.  Get a dog to lay her head on your feet and you're set.  We were all in our places to watch the funeral for the 41st President.  The respect, caring and humor shown by the eulogists was very touching.  Having seen a number of state funerals, which are sad in themselves, I am always struck by the servicemen who carry the casket from here to there.  It obviously is a great honor to serve, but everything military is done in slow motion and their burden must be so very heavy.  Throw in all those stairs up and down at the capitol and the cathedral, whew!  Those guys must have muscles of iron.

Later, stepping out on the deck I saw a large cat sitting by the feeding station.  Looking closer, it wasn't a house cat.  I yelled and clapped my hands and a second cat joined the first and they ran down into the woods.  One bobcat is not good, two are worse.  I was so very glad the chickens were in a secure pen.

Ralph has developed his own morning routine.  It involves sitting on my lap while I'm at the computer, and he won't take no for an answer.  The things I do for these critters.

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