Monday, April 15, 2019

Big Deal

You know it's pretty much of a dud day when the big deal is a trip back down to the feed store.  I've been buying the same kind of birdseed for twenty-odd years.  The only change has been that I used to buy a 40-pound bag, now I get two 20-pounders (oh, come on...I'm older).  However, the store has new owners.  Because the mousies had been helping themselves to the birdseed, I'd bought a metal trash can to put the seed in.  When I dumped in the first of the last two bags purchased, ta da, it was nothing but tiny black seeds.  What the heck?!  The label said wild bird seed, but this was nothing like what I'd been buying, a mixture of all kinds of grain.  Turns out it is niger, a thistle seed that appeals to some small birds.  That's fine, but I have birds from the tiny-tinys to forty-pound turkeys (okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but they're huge) who hang out waiting for breakfast and look for a variety of seed.  Nothing for it but to go back down to the feed store and hope for an exchange on the second bag.  Okay, mission accomplished.  I even got some money back.  Big deal.

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