Thursday, April 11, 2019

Right Around The Corner

As per our goofy holiday traditions, Easter will be celebrated this year on Saturday the 20th.  Hey, it's a day we can all get together stress free.  Even so, Dave will be missing as he has prior engagements.  I'm at a bit of a loss because Deb and Craig will be doing most of the shopping at a nearby big-box store.  We all know exactly what will be on the menu, I am just not sure what, if anything, I need to pick up.  Someone will tell me, I know.  It's kind of nice not to be in charge anymore.

Aside from the religious significance of Easter, bunnies come to mind.  I wish people would not buy bunnies when they do not intend to keep and care for them.  When the Kids were young, we had two cast-offs.  Elizabeth was a white rabbit who showed up, orphaned and alone.  "Can we keep her?!"  What's one more animal in a house that would have made Noah proud?  I think it was just the next year that Beatrix, a black bunny, came to stay.  My sister was visiting and kept getting the strangest look on her face.  It seems that Beatrix, who was running loose in the house, was curious but shy and kept popping up behind me in back of the couch.  Pat didn't know we'd adopted Beatrix and wasn't sure if she was seeing Harvey.

I don't see so many wild rabbits around here anymore, and I miss 'em.  They used to use the driveway like a freeway, and would congregate by the dozens in the yard.  They used to make me think of  "Watership Down," a great book by Richard Adams.  More people in the area mean fewer wildlife.  Drat.

Since the Kids are coming up, I guess I'd better dust.

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