Monday, April 8, 2019

Slow Day

The darndest things happen when you have other plans.  Getting the days screwed up didn't help.  Since I decided to take you all along on the cancer journey, you might as well come along for the might help others.  On what turned out to be Friday, there was a funny pain in my inner thigh.  Oh well, I might have strained it.  On Saturday morning, the pain had moved down to my calf. and then a few dark red blotches appeared on the inside.  The calf began to swell and the blotches continued down and over to the outer side.  The calf became a hot red stump.  I try not to be a vain woman, but this was just plain ugly, and it hurt.  With a pretty good idea of the problem and knowing the doctor's office was closed, I called the local hospital to find out what might be done for a thrombosis, a blood clot.  "No, we don't have an advice nurse, and, no, no doctor will speak with a patient over the phone."  Well, thanks a lot for a lot of nothing.

Consequently, yesterday was spent in the recliner with the leg elevated.  The bright spot was that it was NASCAR Sunday and I probably wouldn't have done much anyhow.  I'll be calling the doctor today.

Life goes on.  Sheila continues to be exceptionally needy, rubbing her head against me and darned near pushing me off the path as we walk to the gate together.  Missy raced to meet me in the barn, greeting me with mews as tiny as she, eager for her breakfast (it's nice to be needed).  The turkeys know where their food comes from and don't even get out of the way when I throw down their breakfast.  My sitting all day gave Ralph and Celeste an assured lap to snuggle in, and Bess provided the incentive to get up now and then to let her out and in.  She kept it interesting by picking a different door each time.

What a shame it is to waste these beautiful, sunny, warm days.  Recently washed, the green hills and trees just sparkle.  The oaks with barren branches are leafing out.  It won't be long until the flying worms appear, hanging on their long silken threads.  Even on a slow day....

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