Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What Can I Say?

Yesterday was a hard day.  Today will be worse.  I'm guessing tomorrow will be worse still.  I did get an appointment for this afternoon so everything we do now will be for the last time and precious.  Trying to plan ahead, I called Beau, who had just landed in SoCal, and then Michael, who now has a full-time job.  I phoned Go-To, who said he'd be over in the afternoon, bless his kind heart.  Clay loves Bessie Anne too and today is going to be rough on him and I didn't want him to have to dig a grave as well.

Deb offered to come up, but she works...and I wasn't able to talk without bawling in the morning and she didn't need that.  Arden came over in the afternoon to say goodbye to my girl.  I was able to maintain, and Bess was happy to see her friend.  Go-To and Mrs. Go-To came later.  GT made short work of digging a place under a shady oak overlooking fields where Annie's horses and alpacas graze and close to the chicken pen so Bess will have company.  That tree is where all animals who have lived and died on Farview rest.  I like thinking that they stay on the farm they loved.

Another day of tears and watching my girl.  Another night in the chair.  What can I say?

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Sending our thoughts and condolences and know somethings can never be replaced

Many happy memories..
Hang in there