Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Same Old Grind

Ah, well, it was nice while it lasted...those few days of bright sunshine.  Yesterday we were back to cloudy skies, rain and gloom.  While not particularly cold, dampness seeped into the house and Stove was called to duty...again.  Look at the bright side, the new peonies are being well watered without any effort on my part.  It's still raining softly this morning, but there's none of my nemesis, the wind.  Bess came in from her early morning excursion damp, not soaked.  She's snoring softly on the bed behind me.

Let's face it, housework will never be my favorite thing, but I'm sticking to my resolve to do at least one chore every day so I don't get fired.  I'd rather cook any day, and the funny thing is that I have no trouble cleaning the kitchen as I work.  In fact, I won't cook if the kitchen is a mess.

I think Stanley is also tired of the rain.  He probably thinks his droopy feathers are my fault because he made another dash at my feet and got whapped for his effort.  I can't offer him much hope, as we're due for wet weather the rest of the week.  Sigh.  It's back to the same old grind.  (Remind me of this when we're in the summer doldrums.)

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