Saturday, April 20, 2019


Another day with nothing done.  Another day with no movement.  Another night in the chair.  And then while I was making a cup of coffee this morning, Bess hobbled her way to the door to the kitchen!  Hoping, I offered her the first of her three "normal" morning treats...and she ate it!  That's the first food she's accepted in a week.  Okay, let's go for the second.  Wahoo!  And the third?  YES!  Then she dropped to the floor and wanted no more, but maybe she's turned a corner in her illness and we'll find a way to go on.

Yesterday morning while I was at the computer, a huge jackrabbit ran up the driveway.  When getting food for the chickens, four deer ran past in the north field.  It's been a while since I seen any of these critters.  Maybe like the Baby Blue Eyes, I guess a lot has been happening while I wasn't watching.

What didn't get done still needs doing.  Doesn't's a good day.

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