Friday, April 5, 2019

Fed Up

With rare exception, I have not missed many days of writing in nearly ten (10!) years, and those usually because of power outages.  However, it seems that Blogspot might hsve reached its capacity and has refused to take another entry.  What's up with that? It also appears that there is no "delete" key so I can't remove any of the more boring bits to clear space, and, let's face it, not every entry is going to be gripping in anyone's life.  I'm just hoping this gap is a momentary aberration.  I do appreciate your hanging in there with me while I try to sort this out.

Unfortunately, yesterday was less than stimulating.  It was a grey, gloomy, overcast day, totally lacking in inspiration.  In the spirit of conservation, Stove remained cold, and so did I.  Celeste was a burr on my lap and Ralph kept warm by racing up and down the hall.  I know Beau told me to, "Burn the wood!," but I'm well aware how much work goes into providing that fuel.  I'd never want to take advantage of family and friends.  The sun peeked out briefly a couple of times and then slid back behind the curtain.  What did I expect?  It's spring.

Well, taking Thumper's mother's advice (Bambi, 1942), "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

Wish me luck!  We'll try this again.

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