Monday, April 22, 2019

Seems Longer

You could tell me that this last week was a month long and I'd believe you.  There have been brief moments, but Bessie's condition really hasn't changed, except perhaps for the worse.  She hadn't seemed to be in pain, but now she cries periodically and it breaks my heart.  Unless it's absolutely necessary, I don't leave the room because she panics if she can't see me.  It's been a week since I've slept in bed.  She will drink a little water, but now she won't even take treats.  She hasn't really eaten since before this began.  I will call the vet's office this morning and see if we can get an appointment for tomorrow when Clay can help.  It was hard to ask him, but I can't lift Bess by myself.  This has to stop.

Missy has greeted me in the barn for the past few morningss.  She makes me smile.  Sheila continues to be needy.  She darned near knocks me over, she rubs so hard on my side.  The turkeys are showing up in greater numbers, the males showing off and, as usual, the females are ignoring the strutting boys.  "Look  at me!  Look at me!,"  they yell at the top of their lungs.  Stanley and the little girls have been behaving.  They don't seem to realize or appreciate that I am the bringer of food.  Vultures are again sunning themselves on the fence posts around the goat pen.  I feel bad that they've lost the tree where they would gather.  I hadn't been paying attention so it was a surprise to see that the lilacs are bursting into bloom.  It was another surprise to see that we're back in the time of the full moon.  Has it really been a month?  Time is so relative.


1 comment:

Emmy said...

This must be agony for you.. we all think about Bessie..and you two together.
She has had a good life with such a loving companion.