Friday, April 26, 2019

Old Habits

Even new old habits are hard to break.  I'm so used to sleeping in the chair now that it's hard to remember to get up and go to bed (guess where I woke up this morning).  I've absolutely lost track of the days.  I missed a doctor's appointment yesterday because I didn't realize it was Thursday and I'm not used to leaving home.  I need to get with the program here, and I will just as soon as I figure out what the new program is.

We are rushing into summer, approaching the 80s already.  Celeste may be the only one happy with the heat.  She found the one little patch of sunshine to curl up in.  Ralph prefers a shady spot.  So do I.

I forgot to mention that the other day I went out on the deck to spray for wasps (it's that time of year) and when I got around to the south end, a young bobcat ran past on the path right by the house.  That's not something seen every day, especially not so close.  I hope it likes ground squirrels.  Those I have in abundance.

It's getting light earlier every day now and staying light longer.  I still don't like the time change...old habits.

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