Saturday, April 13, 2019

Taking Advantage

There are some definite bright spots to having Arden come by on Fridays.  One, she's darned good company.  Two, it keeps me on my housekeeping toes.  Arden would never judge, but I do have a modicum of pride and so swoosh around with a dust rag before she arrives.  It could get to be a habit.  Or not.  An added bonus is that we take turns providing some kind of light munchie to share.  Yesterday she brought a frozen spinach souffle, grapes and cheese.  We watch a couple of nonpartisan political news shows together in the afternoon.  It pays to stay informed.

It's the time of year that I'd love to be planting flowers and seeds out on the deck and in the yard, but that dratted Robert the Raider and his horde are already hanging around, just waiting.  I can't see just pouring money down some squirrel's gullet.  Consequently, we both lose out.

I don't know if Stanley has learned his lesson or if he's biding his time, but he hasn't attacked lately, for which I'm grateful.  Their yard is small and the coop opening is low to the ground, so there's not much room to get away from him when he gets feisty.  I'd love to put him and his ladies back in the big yard, but the hawks are cruising the neighborhood and it wouldn't be kind.

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