Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Yesterday was one of those days.  Stanley did me an unintended favor when he bit a hole in the back of my leg in the morning.  It didn't really hurt at the time and I didn't realize he'd even broken the skin until I got back up to the house after barn chores and saw my sock was bloody.  It stayed bloody all day as it was the infected, swollen leg and it was like a pressure valve had been opened.  The leg continued to weep all day and into the night.

I've known for some time that Bessie Anne is reaching the end of her days.  She's not there yet, but yesterday was a hard one.  She staggered and fell and was confused.  She had projectile vomiting and had a pee accident, something she didn't do even as a puppy.  Through my tears, all I could say was, "Go to sleep, my girl.  Just go to sleep."  Celeste was so empathetic and laid down with Bess, staying by her side for the longest time.  Come nighttime, Bess got herself into the bedroom, but fell off the bed after I'd boosted her up.  The will to live is so strong.  She's still asleep behind me.  If the god of dogs is kind, he'll let her sleep long and not put her through another day like yesterday.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Sounds like some tough ti:es
Good to be able to write about them
And I am sure all your readers are sending their good thoughts.

Hope today seems brighter, after this morning fog.
Sunny days ahead.