Saturday, April 27, 2019


I knew they were coming, and yesterday I saw the first flying worm, those little green guys that float past on silken threads.  I can't say they are welcome, but they come.  Walking back up from the goat barn (being pushed around by Sheila), I saw a dark brown lump of I didn't know what in the path.  Oh good grief, was a girl having poop problems?  Looking closer, no, it was sleek brown fur.  As I reached to touch it, "it" moved and ducked into a burrow.  It was a vole, and a big one.  I haven't seen a vole here in years!  As if the ground squirrels aren't enough to deal with.

I got a call from my brother-in-law Stan.  How welcome was that?!  We talked for the better part of an hour and in the course of which he asked if I needed any help.  Well, he offered!  He's coming up in a week or so to mow the property.  I'm not ashamed to say that I really have a problem with John Not-So-Dear, and what with the rain and now the heat the place is looking pretty raggedy already.

Arden came in the afternoon to share her company and watch our TV shows (and some nibbles).  An unknown car drove was Beau, who wanted to check to see if Bessie Anne had been cared for.  He'd been out of town and hadn't even gone home yet.  How kind.

I really meant to go to bed last night.

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