Sunday, April 14, 2019

Just In Time

This beauty is one of the new peonies that Deb and Craig planted the last time they were up.  There are at least four more buds on the so-very healthy plant, and I'll bet most of them will bloom by Saturday, our "Easter."  How's that for timing?  At least the yard will be decorated.

Tree Guy came early in the morning and went to work right away by himself.  He did exactly as I'd asked and made smaller logs out of the huge bits of trunk and piled them out of the way so I can get down to the barn so much easier and can put the girls inside again at night.  He also burned all the twiggy stuff, those half-hidden little branches that lie in wait in the ever-growing grass to trip you up.  In fact, TG himself was dropped by one of those sneaky things.  He said he'd be back in a couple of weeks to turn the logs into firewood.

Wouldn't you know that gas prices would go sky high just about the time I've got more doctors' appointments?  I filled up yesterday and nearly had a coronary.  Yeesh!

These truly are halcyon days to be appreciated, after the storms and before the heat of summer.  Light warm breezes and bright sunshine draw Bess and me out onto the deck.  It was a good day.

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