Saturday, April 6, 2019

Red Faced

Well, that was embarrassing.  I knew my friend Arden was coming over on Friday...but I don't keep track of what day it is so it was a great surprise when there was a knock on the door yesterday, and it was Arden.  Oh good grief!  I'd been piddling around, planning to do this and that and maybe go up to the store later.  I'm big on the "gonna do," not s'much on the "done."  Fortunately, my friend does not subject me to a white-glove inspection.

If anyone is accurate as to date and time, it's Arden.  I get TV channels that she does not and there were some afternoon programs we wanted to watch together.  (We fit our conversation into commercials.)  Bessie had gone to sleep at my feet.  She's used to me yelling at the television (we were watching bipartisan political talk shows).  A cat walked into the room.  "Who is that?!"  I realized that in all the years Arden has been coming over and as many years as Celeste has lived here, they'd not only not met, Arden had never even seen Celeste.  She's a very elusive cat and runs and hides under the bed whenever anyone comes to the door.  She doesn't come out until the door closes behind the company and then says, "Are they gone?  I thought they'd never leave!"  She does have a penchant for Craig and Clay and will deign to come out to greet them, and she tolerates Deb, so it was a great surprise when she appeared.  Yesterday it was Ralph who was a no-show.  Who knows what lurks in the minds of cats (you'd have to remember the old 1940s radio show, "The Shadow," to get that).

Even though I'd been less than prepared, it was a most pleasant afternoon.  In fact, we may make it a weekly event.

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