Thursday, April 18, 2019


Ohmigosh, I'm speechless!  After another day of waiting and another night in the chair, I came back to report there had been no change in Bessie Anne's condition.  While trying to form the words, I heard slow footsteps in the darkened room behind me.  Could it be?!  After four days of refusing food or drink and barely moving but to lift her head, Bess had made her way down the hall and into the bathroom where she drank a whole bowl of water!  One hind leg is still paralyzed and she's very weak, but she walked and didn't drag herself.  I was able to lift her up onto the bed, her favorite spot when I'm at the computer.  I'm afraid to hope, but I do.

Yesterday had been another terrible day of waiting and tears, watching to see if my girl was still breathing.  In the afternoon, I couldn't take it anymore and went out into the front yard to walk around the driveway and sit in the sunshine for a few minutes.  I've not been able to make myself leave Bessie's side since she fell ill and I needed a break.

It may be that this rally is a surge before the end.  I've seen that happen with people.  It also could be that her condition has reached a turning point, and wouldn't that be grand.  A wonky leg is something we could live with.  One can hope.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

We are hoping, too