Monday, April 29, 2019

Look Up

My thoughts have been elsewhere lately.  Yes, I've taken care of the livestock (and cussed at Stanley), but haven't really been aware of my surroundings, so it was a breathtaking surprise when I looked up on the way to the goat pen and saw that the wisteria is in full bloom.  I have no idea when it started to flower.  I haven't pruned it back for a few years and the vines are rampant.

There are a few California poppies sprinkled about to add a bright orange counterpoint to the delicate lavender.  This was taken on the way back up from tending the girls and Missy.  Beautiful from any angle.

There is a reason for keeping one's eyes to the ground up here (not that I've needed an excuse).  With the coming of warm weather, snakes, the friendlies and the other kind, are coming out and having babies.  It's a good idea to watch where your feet are going to land.  I'd almost stepped on that vole a few days ago.  I'm actually a little worried about when Tree Guy and his helper(s) come to cut up the fallen oak.  All those piled up logs are a perfect habitat for snakes.  It's not his first go-round, so I'm sure he'll be aware.

I've got to go to town today.  I know it will be a beautiful drive.because the mountain lilacs are in bloom, blue and white bouquets along the road.  I did notice that my own lilacs, the purple kind, are also filled with flowers.  I'll try to get a photo of them, too.

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