Wednesday, May 13, 2020

All About Timing

It really doesn't pay to plan too far ahead here, even if I know what day it is.  On the somewhat scrambled, but sunny Monday and the few laps I'd made on Fu, I really figured to get more mowing done yesterday.  I could tell at dawn's first dim light that we'd had rain during the night.  This was the view on our first walk.  What hills?  What sun?  It rained off and on throughout the day, hard enough at times to wash the green pollen off the truck and that's a good thing.  We are heavy into allergy season and the oaks are making their annual contribution.  So much for mowing.

Just the day before I'd been celebrating the return of A/C in the truck.  How's that for timing?  Yesterday I switched from tee-shirt to turtleneck and added a hoodie, indoors and out.  The heated beanbag was called back to service, and I gave thought to lighting a fire, a passing thought at best.  I've been planning to get/give Michael a summer cut, but he definitely needed his plush winter coat on our walks.

Camille called, reading me the Saturday menu for The Dinner Wagon.  I really hadn't planned to indulge myself again so soon, but she had me at chicken-fried pork cutlet, and spring pea polenta sealed the deal.  "Want me to order one for you?"  "Yes, please."  I rarely go out to eat, even when we could.  The price is right, the food is delicious, and I'm weak.

We timed it right in the afternoon.  It wasn't raining when we took the trash down to the big road (at least I remembered it was Tuesday).

The sun is up and the clouds are gone.  However, those sodden, knee-high weeds can't be mowed today.  Oh well.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

The Dinner Wagon sounds like a perfect belated birthday celebration!!!