Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wish Granted

Thank you, Nature, for granting my wish.  Yesterday turned out to be as pretty as one could hope for.  Stan arrived and we chose to sit on the deck, meeting social-distance requirements, to catch up on news.  Well, he had news, I hadn't much to offer in that regard.  Oh, wait, yes I did.  Michael has become such a member of the household I forgot that Stan hadn't met him or heard his story.  Michael makes it very clear that he enjoys (possibly prefers) the company of men.  So did Bessie Anne.  No, I am not jealous.

After days of rain and gloom, it was pleasant to sit and soak up some sun.  However, it made the raggedy appearance of the place and the overgrowth of weeds more glaring.  Give me another couple days of this current weather and some time on Fu Manchu and it will look much better.  I do what I can when I can.

As the sun rose higher, we moved around (through the weeds) to the shade of the front porch and continued to chat.  Stan is such good company.  He had plans for the rest of the day, and I so appreciated the gift of his time.  Darn this virus!  It deprived me of a goodbye hug; virtual just doesn't cut it.

It was a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So glad that you got some time with Stan and that the weather gods did you proud!