Sunday, May 3, 2020

'Tis The Season

In the past week or two I've had a couple of wasps in the living room and wondered how they got in.  It is wasp season and I'm pretty careful to make sure the screen doors are shut when I've gone out.  We know how Michael feels about those evil insects and he goes and hides in the bedroom until I've dispatched the thing.  Yesterday I saw a bunch of them hanging around under the eaves and decided it was time for more aggressive action.  Armed with a couple of cans of wasp spray (I buy it by the six-pack), I went out on the deck to do battle.  That's when I found out how the buggers got in the house.  This is where Missy had been jumping up to scare Ralph.  Thanks, Missy.  I shut the window.  Having sprayed every nook and cranny where the wasps were congregating, I went in to watch cooking shows and horse racing.  Sorry, Fu, but it was Saturday.

After our afternoon walk, I went out to feed and water Lonesome Lulu, noting that the weeds are getting pretty darned high around her pen and between the coops and wondered if Jeremy might still be available for weed-eating.

Missy followed me here and there while I did chores, getting in my way until I finally stopped to pet her.  The last time we did this, she whipped her head around and bit my hand, not hard, but when you have skin like tissue paper, it was enough to make me bleed.  Son of a gun, she did it again!  I've got to learn her signals.

I woke up before four this morning, thinking about those knee-high weeds behind the feed barn.  Well, not thinking about the weeds so much as the rattlesnakes that might hide there.  It is the season for the "slitherins" (apologies to Harry Potter and the Slytherins) and there have been a number of postings on FB  re. recent sightings.  I couldn't get back to sleep.  I really must check in with Jeremy.

Stay safe.  Be well.


Emmy said...

I’ve got wasps too. Especially when sun is bright in their area
Some came in through vents, I think
Be careful.

Kathryn Williams said...

I saw the warnings of HUGE wasps on FaceBook...I hope they aren't coming our way - a new type. And I hope Jeremy gave you a yes answer.