Friday, May 1, 2020

Same Old Same Old

I don't seem to break the same old routine of one day busy, one day not.  Yesterday was a "not."  I gave myself the excuse of being stiff from an hour on Fu Manchu, but I could have worked through that if so inclined, which I wasn't.  Michael got his walks and that was the extent of our exercise for the day.

As has been noted, Michael is not a playful dog.  Giving a tail wag is about about as much excitement as he expresses, so it surprised me yesterday when, for a short while, he carried a handmade teddy bear around in the house.  Up to then, he'd completely ignored the basket of toys and those strewn about by the cats.  I don't know if that is progress or not, but it was something new for him.

The peonies have lots of buds, more than ever before, and are just about ready to burst into bloom.  I whine about the dearth of flowers here, so it is a real event when the peonies open.  They come just as the lilacs are fading so their timing is perfect.

It's May Day.  If I had any flowers and any close neighbors, I would make construction-paper baskets to fill and leave on doorsteps as I did as a kid.  I thought then, and still do, think that's a grand way to celebrate Spring.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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