Saturday, May 23, 2020

Home Again

There was a bit of drivel we would chant while bouncing a baby on our knees that ended, "Home again, home again, jiggety-jog."  Michael and I made as quick a trip as possible to town yesterday.  It was on one of the backroads to home that the "Service Engine Soon" message started flashing on the dash.  Now what?!  Why is it that when I get a nickel ahead, a quarter-size problem appears?  I just had the A/C fixed, for crying out loud.  I've never seen that message in all the twenty years I've had Truck and have no idea what it portends.  He just had an oil change and new battery cables installed.  "Please let me make it home, please let me make it home," was my mantra through the hills.  I didn't even stop at the mailbox, afraid that Truck would die so close to the house.  Good old Truck hung in there and we made it.  It was Friday and the auto shop is closed on weekends.  I hustled Michael into the house to phone.  It was 4:45.  They close at 4:30.  Sigh.  Monday is a holiday.  Sigh again.

Michael was his usual people-magnet self in the stores.  A gentleman had muttered, "Beautiful dog," as he passed by in one of the aisles.  That same man came up to us later as we were walking to the truck, asking if Michael was a working dog, and saying he had once had a dog like him.  Like I said, people magnet.

It's a very good thing that stay-at-home orders are no hardship for me because I'm sure not going anywhere soon.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Hopefully "Service Engine Soon" means something like, "Your 72,000 well-baby check up will be do soon!" Does Truck have an instruction book with mileage suggestions?