Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mistress Mary

"Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?"

My daughter frequently sends me photos of their backyard, which is beginning to rival Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C.  Lush greenery, colorful flowers everywhere, raised, fenced garden plots for vegetables and herbs, little fountains and bird feeders for hummers and others.  They have put in so much work, and it shows.  Yeah, well.  I have a flower, too.

Actually, there are quite a few iris in my front yard, planted by the prior owners.  With all the fancy, spectacular iris abounding, I have these pale beige and lavender duds.  I took a sample to the Blue Bird Iris Farm to ask what variety it might be, and was told it was a very old species.  I've got to be happy that anything blooms at all.  Before the deck was redone, I had pot after pot that used to have flowers.  They used to have flowers before Robert the Raider decimated everything.  Now I have a lot of empty pots in a pile, and that's a good thing because I saw Robert cruising the deck the other day, looking for a free meal.  Ha!

Actually, I do have what might pass for a garden behind one of the sheds.  Evidently deer and the squirrels don't find Spanish lavender (not as fragrant as the French) or the grey and green santolina appetizing.  These are very hardy plants, thriving on neglect, and they do have flowers.  Just call me Mistress Mary.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Well, Mistress Mary, your iris is lovely. When I moved in here in 2009 I bought some GORGEOUS bulbs from a place in Oregon and for a year or two I had beautiful Irises. But either I did something wrong or they don't like my climate. I still have some nondescript bearded iris in the front that my son gave me as hand me downs, but I fear it is too shaded as they never bloom. Oh well, I have tons of star jasmine that is just now blooming and the smell is heavenly!!!