Sunday, May 17, 2020


Ever have one of those days when your mind's cupboard is bare?  I've heard that real writers sometimes panic at the sight of a blank page.  I'm not panicking, but my mind is scurrying around looking for something, anything, that even I might find interesting.  Sigh.

Camille found a traveling groomer and made an appointment for Tuesday for her Honey to get a haircut and Michael to get a pedicure down at her place.  Poor thing, his toenails look like those of Howard Hughes toward the end.  I've been checking the internet and find that it's really not necessary to cut an Australian/Shetland Shepherd's coat in summer, so we'll skip that this year for Michael.  Maybe I'll get out Bessie Anne's dog pool and see how he likes that when the heat is upon us.

As in any conversation, if you have nothing to say, keep quiet.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I bet Michael will love the pool and the clipped nails. I thought Honey was a German Shepherd...but maybe they get summer haircuts? Nice that the groomer travels.