Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Not Again!

I had an appointment last Monday, 9 a.m., to get the A/C fixed in the truck.  Did I mention I have a fairly loose grasp on the days of the week?  I know it's Saturday when the cooking shows come on.  Appointments are few and far between in my life.  Well, last Monday I got a call at 9:30.  I recognized the voice, and said, "Oh, no!  Is it Monday?!"  Yes, it was, and I'd missed the day and the time.  I offered abject apologies and was given a second chance...for Monday.  Yesterday.  Nine a.m.  Sitting at the computer in nightgown and robe without a care in the world when the phone rang at 8:30 (Jane knows me).  "Oh, no!  Not again!  I'll be there!"  I probably should have combed my hair after throwing on clothes, but, oh well, I made it to the shop by 9:02.

I had known the weeds in the median between tire tracks in the drive were getting tall, but Truck cleared them so I wasn't too worried.  Jane gave me a ride home in her sporty little car (we were both wearing masks) and I could hear those weeds brushing the undercarriage.  Not good.  After tending to the animals, I fired up Fu and we took care of that, as well as making a few more passes in the field.  Fu has a talent for finding holes.  Yes, again.  This time I was able to extricate him by myself, but decided that was enough for the day.

Truck was home by noon, A/C blowing all the way.

Yesterday was Monday.  That means today is Trash Day.  I missed it last week and wouldn't want to do that again.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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