Saturday, May 30, 2020

Rolling Thunder

Song for the day, "The Thunder Rolls" (Garth Brooks, 1990).

Boy, did the thunder roll last night, loud booms so close it was as if they were right across the road or closer (scary thought).  It's not the thunder but the lightning that poses a danger.  The heat spell we've been having has dried out the underbrush and we're in fire season.  There's a cooling heavy overcast this morning.  If the rain holds off it will be a perfect day for mowing.

Rolling Thunder also brings to mind the motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C. begun in 1988 by veterans to raise awareness of armed services POW-MIAs.  Over time, the peaceful Memorial Day demonstration has grown to over 200,000 riders.  The sound alone must be amazing.  If the sight of The Saluting Marine (Tim Chambers, Staff Sgt., Ret.) standing at attention for hours and hours in the midst of all those bikers, many of them stopping to hug him and return the salute didn't move you, you have no heart.

I had parked Truck under the oak by the woodpile.  I don't know about the rats, but I got confused when he wasn't where he's always been.  Today I'll move him to another spot.  One has to try.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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