Thursday, May 14, 2020


I've had a craving for oranges lately (no, I assure you I'm not pregnant), and have bought a large jug of juice the last few times I've gone shopping.  Yesterday I went up to Holiday and was totally self-indulgent.  I bought frozen Chinese Orange Chicken, orange juice, real oranges...and orange sherbet.  Want to bet which one I had for dinner?  If you guessed sherbet, just sherbet, you'd be da winnah!  One advantage of living alone is that there is no one to "say me no."  Another is complete control of the remote, but that's a story for another day.

It was an off-and-on pretty day, but everything was still too wet to mow.  I have, not a craving, but a need to get Fu off his duff.  I see it rained again last night, so he's got a reprieve for another day or two.  I'm not complaining.  I like an extended spring as much as the next guy and I appreciate the delayed heat of summer, but Nature is giving the weeds an unfair head start.

You know you live in the country when a friend, Florence, called and offered to trade me some blue cheese for a flower pot or two.  Hey, I'm getting the better part of that deal.  Thanks (or no thanks) to Robert the Raider, I have stacks of empty flower pots here, there, and everywhere, but no blue cheese in sight.  Florence knows I have a penchant for stinky cheese, and I bemoan the lack of Limburger in the stores these days.

I received a number of most welcome phone calls yesterday, the most surprising and unexpected from a great-nephew in Massachusetts.  He's been here a couple of times, but not for years.  The sun being over the yardarm on both ends of the country, we were having a drink "together" three hours apart.  He deplored that I was having Canadian whiskey (which I like), insisting that Irish was the only way to go.  In my book, Irish is for holidays and Canadian is for everyday.  Whatever trips your trigger.

Let's's morning, it's wet...looks like I get another day off (and I have orange juice for breakfast!).

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fresh navel oranges at this time of year and have made them a staple since late January. And cheers to another trip around the sun...and another decade's worth also!!