Monday, May 25, 2020

Right And Wrong

As I am pinned in place by two seemingly fifty-pound cats and an unmovable dog, I can't turn over, let alone get up on the wrong side of the bed, but, boy, I woke up yesterday with the worst case of grumps ever.  I felt like the neighbors' little son who told his mother, "I don't like my cereal, I don't like my orange juice, and I don't like you!"  In other words, nothing was going to please me, so there.  Hence, discretion dictated I not write anything lest it (whatever it was) all come spilling out.  The thing is, I wasn't mad at anyone, I felt well, and nothing bad had happened.  I was just grumpy as all get out for no good reason.  Thank goodness that mood didn't last.  By the way, I appreciated those who checked in with me.

I watched the Memorial Day Concert last night.  It was very strange not to see the massive crowds this annual event draws, but Gary Sinise and Joe Mantegna did an admirable job of honoring servicemen and women, past and present, as they always do.  The acts of heroism presented brought me to tears, and made me ashamed for my piddly complaints.  Giving up even a few years of civilian life to serve in the armed forces deserves our appreciation.

Ah, well.  It's a new day and I'm back to the same old me...not a grump in sight.  (Must have been the right side of the bed this morning.)

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah so happy to read the blog. I was gone from morning until dinner yesterday and by the time I checked the blog, it was too late to check on the reason. Glad it was such an easy explanation. Glad today is better :-)