Sunday, May 31, 2020

That Was Different

For the longest time I thought this was a turkey vulture looking in the window yesterday and it gave a really eerie feeling.  Was it a portent of something to come?  The bird was there for the better part of half an hour, just staring in.  I've since decided it was a turkey hen, all on her own.  Weird.

No, I didn't get the mowing done.  It went right past cooler to downright cold and it was blustery all day.  My decision was justified when thunder, lightning, and episodic brief downpours rolled over.  I opted to work in the kitchen instead.

Someone whom the weather did not deter was Helper Dude II.  He showed up in the afternoon to start trimming the live oak over the woodpile.  This tree provides wonderful shade and protection, but it becomes overly enthusiastic and the branches periodically grow and droop nearly down to the ground.  That is worrisome in fire season.  It also makes it hard to park Truck (trying to confuse the rats) or even drive by.  "Are you sure you want to do this today?!"  He was a man on a mission and a little bad weather wasn't going to stop him.  Alrighty then.

HD2 said, "My mother sent you something," and took a large sack from his truck.  Evidently his mother has a large, make that huge garden, he showed me pictures, filled with produce.  He said that every year she gives away the overabundance to anyone who will accept it, and told me that this offering would be the first of many.  This gift was filled with a variety of crisp greens and eggs from their thirty-plus chickens.  He said to wait until the tomatoes were ripe!  How lucky can I get?  HD2 made good progress on the live oak, but it's going to take more than a couple of hours to finish.

It was a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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