Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Strike Two

Destructo, aka Missy, struck again.  She really has a thing for Ralph and torment is the name of the game.  This window in the guest room is another of his favorite spots.  It wasn't enough that Missy tore a hole in the living room screen, this time she broke out the whole darned thing, and I do mean broke.  I sort of stuck it back in place, but the damage is irreparable.

(Slight pause here while Michael and I took the trash down to the big road.  I forgot yesterday.  We made it just in the nick of time, as Trash Guy was just starting to empty the barrels.  Whew!)

I don't know whether this is an apology or she's just showing off her hunting prowess, but Missy brought (and left) this deceased rat on the deck.  Oh goody.  Since the boards are four inches wide, it's a pretty good-sized offering.  I'm glad she is dispatching the rodents, but would prefer she leave them elsewhere.

For the past week or so something wonky has been going on with my landline phone, so yesterday I called AT&T.  For a company whose main business is communication, they leave a lot to be desired.  Just finding their phone number is a challenge.  Then you get the robot who misdirects your call.  "Service" wasn't one of the options.  I finally reached a living being, and that's when the fun really started.  "I don't seem to be able to find your account."  I've been a customer since they were Pac Bell back in the day.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that woman tried doggedly for over half an hour, without success.  Accepting defeat, she turned me over to another real person and we started all over...with the same result.  It was as if I ceased to exist.  This woman dumped me back into the robot pool.  Robot Two did not understand the word "technician," and asked the same question over and over (which had nothing to do with service) until I finally just said yes.  Wonder of wonders, I did get a real live person who understood what my problem was and said, "Just unplug your phone for a minute."  He also made an appointment for a tech to come out this week...or maybe it's for next week...I'm still confused.  I did unplug the phone and ta da! problem solved.  Something so easy took over an hour.  I'm not about to call back and cancel the appointment.  I don't have the time.

Just so you know, when I picked up my mail this morning, there was my bill from AT&T.  The billing department thinks I'm real.  Funny how that works.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

O. M. G. I have had my own problems with AT&T but yours takes the cake. Thank God I don't have to deal with them much anymore. I, to, have thought the same thing...they are a COMMUNICATION company???